Category Archives: Poetry

One day You will teach me to let go of my fears


To stand with ease
In uncertainty
To accept the longing
Of comfort without security

To surrender completely
Into Your arms
Let time stand still in eternity

It does not matter
If the union of energy
Across the cosmos
Will cause an explosion of pleasure

It does not matter
If I am worshipped on a golden pedestal

It does not matter
If this life afford me nothing more than today

And if the fear of growing old;
In the company of no other but myself
Becomes unbearable
You will teach me to let go of my fears

To fall in to the unknown
Or bend backwards reaching out
Towards the ground that I cannot yet see
With strong feet and and an open heart
And a knowing that You will be there
To catch me

And all of this will eventually amount to nothing
Because it does not matter
For no man can transcend
The completion of Your embrace

I am


I am with you in every breath
Every thought of every single man

I am, I am, I am
I am with you in the whisper of the wind
Softly whistling into your ears
Je suis, je suis, je suis 
I am in every streak of the red burning sun
I am the tears from across the split broken sky
I am the pain in every desires of your heart
I am in the sound of every running brook that joins the sea
Wo shi, wo shi, wo shi 
And I am the silence which exists eternally within you.
I am that.

“Can you love what you do not know?”


I shall ask these questions 
As if they were mine 
“What is this faith?”
Or “who is the Divine?”

I will ask these questions 
Which resides in every breath
“Whose words were these?”
And “who dictates our death?”

All of these questions shall I ask 
So that I may know every corner of my heart 
My own beating heart 
To understand surrender 
And loving the unknown 

And soon the question shall be less of 
“Can you love what you do not know?”
But rather …

“What more is there to love?”